Overall I am extremely pleased with how our three products have turned out and I am surprised at how professional and realistic they look now that we have finished everything.
I have really enjoyed creating our music video and brand products because I think it was a project where we were free to use lots of our own creative judgement and express ourselves through our products. I enjoyed working as a group and becoming a 'girl band' as it was very fun to invent a brand for ourselves and imagine how it would be to be real modern pop artists. I think that our music video features a lot of modern looking conventions such as fashionable costumes, close ups to introduce the artists and editing that has made the video interesting to watch. Therefore, I think that our music video would not look out of place on a TV music channel such as MTV or 4Music.
I think that our three products link together really well and create an overall theme for our brand as a modern pop girl band as we have a running theme of close ups of ourselves and bright poppy colours. I think that our album magazine advert would not look out of place in a modern magazine such as Look Magazine or Cosmopolitan magazine as it caters for the kind of target audience that buy these gossip and celebrity magazines. I also think that our digipak would not look out place in a popular music store such as HMV or Fopp, as our themes of colour and branding fit in well with the typical themes that you could find in the pop albums section in these two stores.
Everybody that I showed our music video, my friends and my relatives, had lots of positive feedback on it and this made me feel really proud that we have managed to create a relevant product after all of our hard work.
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